Pest Exterminator

Company Policy

Govt. Commercial Pest Control Licence of Urban Pest Control Pvt. Ltd.

licencePest Exterminator is fully owned by Urban Pest Control Pvt. Ltd. 

Company Registion No.


Fire License No.

AD Dhaka-36647

Trade License No.


Tin No.


 All policy of Commercial Pest Control Operation from the Government of Bangladesh. Commerical Pest Control Operation Requires Govt. Authority Approvals and Licenses to permit pest control services in Bangladesh. Khamarbari Plantwing is Authorized to Issue this Commercial Pest Control License without having this pest control License no body is Legally Capable to Operate Comm ercial Pest Control Services in Bangladesh. A Standard Pest Control Company Requires to Have Govt. Fire License, City Corporation Issued Trade License, Proper Pest Control Equipements, Expert and Trained Technician Team and Applied Entomologist, Vast Practical Knowledge about Structural Pest Control and Urban Pest Management. 

Thanks and Best Regards. Abdul Momin, Applied Entomogist, B.Sc Hons in Zoology, MS in Applied Entomology, Dept. of Zoology, University of Rajshahi.

Fire License of Urban Pest Control Pvt. Ltd.

Incorporation Certificate of Urban Pest Control Pvt. Ltd.

Trade Licence of Urban Pest Control Pvt. Ltd. from North City Corporation of Dhaka Municipality