Why You Should Stay in a class for Long?
Everything in this world which are visible or Invisible world is Not in Your Favour. You Need to know every Inchies. Which are important. You might be in thinking that a life is running in free but behind the seen there are many seen. If you are not interested to see the seen that your falt. A student comes to his Educational Institute to learn something in a classical or traditional ways. Which you will find? Classical or traditional that depands opon you. Not others. Anything in this world is in pest condtions. Negative Condions. You go through a long learning. Not through short period of Learning. There is Proverb that is small knowlegde is Dangerous. It is 100% True. You go through learning and earning at the same time it true. You can learn and earn by any means. Being Human so tough but being Pray is easy. An Easey of an Prey Hunter and Predator could be listented within very short time span. But You will not learn very short time. Every one human passed a long time to learn something it could’t be acheived at very short time. They will not leave that at very cheap rate. Their every thing is valuable and Productive. Suppose you some amount of money you can buy Biskits to it but you don’t have the formulation and machines to produces that. So Don’t go through acheive any thing within very short span.